Writing and art by Christopher Luna. Poetry events in Vancouver, WA, Portland, OR, and beyond.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
REMINDER: Christopher Luna, Toni Partington, and Eileen Elliott read in California
Just a quick reminder that Vancouver poets Toni Partington, Eileen Elliott, and yours truly will be giving three readings in California in the next few days. Please forward the following announcements to your friends in California:
Saturday August 29, 2009:
The 1st Annual Shelldance Poetry, Music & Art Festival.
Featuring Rockpile: David Meltzer, Michael Rothenberg,
Terri Carrion and the Rabbles. Also Featured: Leah Lubin, Terry Adams,
Natascha Bruckner, Camincha, Andrew Mayer, Nancy Cavers-Doughtery,
Mark Eckert, Mary Hower, Jym Marks, Erica Goss, Jennifer Barone,
Eileen Elliot, Christopher Luna, Toni Partington, David Madgalene and
Judy Irwin. Music by Bassist Steve Shain. MC's: David Madgalene and
Christopher Luna. Visual art by Leah Lubin, Anna Teeples, and Uma Rani
Free & open to the public.
3 pm until 9 pm.
Shelldance Orchid Gardens,
2000 Highway 1, Pacifica, CA 94044.
(650) 355-4845.
Sunday, August 30, 2009. Arts Sonoma ’09 presents Audio-Graffiti:
Poetry on, under and around the Bridge. Featuring Sonoma County Poet
Laureate Mike Tuggle, Michael Rothenberg, Terri Carrion, Christopher
Luna, Toni Partington, Eileen Elliot, judi goldberg, Dixie Lewis,
David Beckman, Nancy Cavers-Doughtery, Andrew Mayer, Mark Eckert, and
MC David Madgalene.
4 pm. Guerneville Plaza.
Free and open to the public.
707-836-9586. madgalen@sonic.net.
Christopher Luna & Toni Partington
and Eileen Elliot
Leading Portland-Area Poets In Their San Francisco Debut!
Also featuring David Madgalene
Tom Mariani
and Music by Judy Irwin
and Others To Be Named!?!?!
including Maybe You, too (if you show up) !!!!!
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Monday, August 31, 2009
Café Greco, 423 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco
Philip Hackett Presents at The Poet’s Gallery
P. O. Box 330168
SF CA 94133-0168
hackett.philip at gmail.com
I would like to thank David Madgalene for all that he has done to make these readings happen. David is a true friend and a great writer. David, Toni, and I would also like to thank Michael Rothenberg for his kind words regarding the community building work we have been doing in the following article from the Pacifica Tribune:
Thanks for your help spreading the word. Hope to see some of you at these events!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Radio Tribute to David Bromige
August 26, 2009 7:00 p.m. Katherine Hastings presents a one-hour tribute to the late poet David Bromige. The author of dozens of books and the recipient of many literary honors, David Bromige was also a former Poet Laureate of Sonoma County, a professor at Sonoma State University, and a mentor to many. His experimental style and sharp wit translated to a large collection of work so varied that the poems could easily be mistaken as the work of many. Born in London in 1933, Bromige died in Sebastopol in June of this year. Participating in tonight's program will be his wife, Cecelia Belle, their daughter, Margaret, and others. Recordings of Bromige reading his work will also be featured.
To listen to the program:
1) Tune in to KRCB 91.1 FM
2) Stream live at www.krcb/org
3) iTunes: Go to Radio/Public/KRCB
4) Comcast Cable TV, Santa Rosa, Channel 961
David Bromige,
Sonoma County (CA)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ghost Town, USA/ The People on the Bus June/July 2009
June 2009
June 1
as if to announce
the desperately anticipated
summer heat
several pairs of teenagers—
one boy, one girl—
emerge from behind bushes, fences,
and rock walls on Evergreen Blvd.
the gleam of sweat on their nubile skin
beading up
like the smile of a long-lost friend
or the blush of first love
naked in spite of itself
Jake and Angelo play video games:
Jake: “What? That’s the Massive Entity?”
Angelo: “Don’t judge him by his size.”
Goldie is walking her way to health:
wakes early, slips on shorts and a long-sleeve t-shirt
clicks on her music
and heads out
Goldie could be in better shape
but she’s not fat: she’s top heavy
out of proportion
giant breasts
thick torso
stick-thin legs
tries to time her walk down 13th
so that every morning she makes it to E. Reserve
at exactly the same moment
that the men are leaping from the garbage truck
to land at her feet
Goldie surveys Vancouver from behind
big, dark sunglasses:
through those shades
she sees all….
Clark College men’s room graffiti:
don’t let me stop you
from doing what you want to do
Leah Jackson
lovely art maven
of Main Street
arrives at the gallery
on a beaming yellow Schwinn
equipped with
basket and bookholder
pushes it toward me, smiling:
“I want my bard to have a bicycle.”
Walking home from
Harney Elementary,
just outside the Igloo
“Ice cream, NIGGUH!”
Even the low riders
in the ‘Couve are lame:
moments into my inaugural bike ride
a black low-rider pickup
scrapes its way down Main Street
draggin’ its low-rent ass
on the asphalt: truly embarrassing
The People on the Bus
# 37 Eastbound
June 17, 2009
“When I got pregnant, my friend said he was never gonna allow himself to get himself into that situation, so I’m gonna laugh at him. My old friends from high school, one of ‘em’s a transvestite, another of ‘em is in Montana with her new girlfriend, ignoring her husband and their two kids.”
37 Westbound
8:42 am
Dorothy Mary Collier of Ireland,
who has been in the US since she was four
has a captive audience in a gentleman on his way
to Worksource to find a job:
“I just bought an electric globe, you know, a globe that runs on electricity, and I think I saw Sri Lanka on the globe.”
The People on the Bus
July 2009
# 4 Westbound
July 6
“He’s got one with me, one with Paulie, and two with this white girl.”
July 2009
Man to woman
As they cross Fort Vancouver Way
heading toward Clark College:
“All they do is gossip in that place, they’re a bunch of losers.
You’re a smart woman, you should be able to let that go.”
The People on the Bus
As I get on the 32 headed West
the driver is discussing his military service
with a passenger in the front seat
whose long legs jut out in front of the stairs.
The passenger is an older African American wearing
a black leather baseball cap, a black and grey winter coat
black pants, black suede shoes
sitting next to a backpack
with a Minnie Mouse key chain.
Driver: “Korea.”
Passenger: “Yeah.”
“I was drafted as well, but I kind of knew I couldn’t get out of it, not like Vietnam. Couldn’t go to Canada.” The passenger begins talking about Charlie, 35 years old, whom he has raised since the age of two. “Charlie’s a good, sweet kid, and I don’t mind takin’ him to dinner.”
“When I met him I perceived him to have a good heart.”
“He’s a happy-go-lucky kid. Smart.”
“How many do you have?”
“Four. All boys. Yeah, they get along with their mother alright, but they give me trouble. . . . Took all my guns. All my watches.”
“Substance abuse?”
“Didn’t wanna work. My oldest granddaughter, she’s a good kid. She’s an A student. She’s totally different from her Dad. He acted like she didn’t exist. . . . You can’t dabble with the devil. My mother had a problem with alcohol. I had other problems. I didn’t need that.” He explains to the bus driver that he himself never smoked or drank. Soon thereafter, he changes the subject. “I got up this morning tryin’ to get the news. The entire news been capitalized by Michael Jackson’s passing. Sometimes they can get shady. They shady all the time.”
# 4 Fourth Plain
“She’s a Goodwill collector. She has a place out in Ridgefield. She has five couches in the house. And she borrows stuff. . . . She works at Safeway, but it’s not enough. It started out she was gonna pay half the rent, but I got a $300 check, one time. There’s always something she needs to do, like take her three kids to the beach. . . . I’m 76. I’m still here. I’m in a 10x12 bedroom in the house. I’ve got three dogs. She’s got three cats, and they climb up on my face like this. My son lives in the basement. Doesn’t work. I’m setting up a 9x13 tent with netting in the back.”
outside McDonald’s
waiting for the # 4 Westbound
“We’re goin’ up here. You ain’t getting’ me locked up on a court order. I got strict orders!”
waiting for the # 30
Broadway and 13th
“I got half a foot, man. . . . Should be here any minute.”
The People on the Bus
# 25 downtown
“This bitch was just sittin’ here on the bus just starin’ at me and I said, ‘Do I know you? Bitch, look the other way. Do you know me?’”
Ego Confession (directed by Lucio Fulci)
overcome by a mass of contradictions
which swarm over the brain
like feasting maggots
enveloped in a living sea
no escape
no redemption
no way to undo
what has been done
erase your transgressions
and start fresh
no way to see past
the larva
swimming in your eyes
The People on the Bus
# 32 Eastbound
“Guys on the bus are always askin’ my name,
and I just give them a fake name and a fake number.”
Foster Hall Lounge
Clark College
July 29, 2009
Student on cell phone: “No, I’ve been to, like, so many places. Oh, you’re getting ready to go back on shift or something. I’m just doing work study and school. I know. True. ‘Cause you have no idea how many applications I’ve put in. What? Yeah. Depending on where you go, depending on how you dress. Do you know how many trade schools there are in Portland? No, trade schools. OK, thank you. I don’t know. I know what it is, it’s like where they teach you. You learn by actually doing it. I just know. Why? Why? It’s a nice job, though. Yes it is. I know. I know. I know. What? Wha’d you say? What are you doing? You’re weird.”
A gentleman in his 60s
and a guy in his 30s
discuss their disdain for the media
over lunch at Christine’s:
“For me, that’s what I do. Unless I was locked in a 6x6 cell, with nothing else to do. . . . That’s why the newspapers are goin’ out of business, ‘cause we don’t need ‘em anymore, for information.”
Amtrak Station
Vancouver, WA
brown pants
striped tie
talks on his
cell phone
as he waits for
the 3:05 Cascades:
“I don’t think I could have a more eventful week. So it’ll be bad, but . . . back in the saddle. I’m tired. I might just stay home, and not do anything. . . . They traded. . . . Telephone feature. . . .”
Christopher Luna
Vancouver, WA
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
DOTS, a new poem by Neeli Cherkovski
Thanks to Neeli Cherkovski for emailing his latest, posted below with his permission:
leaves on the upper branches trope
backwards, and trip the afternoon into
a tremor, tremendous waves weave
through us, we yearn for
a frenzied silence, the neighborhood
hummingbirds will arrive anytime now,
it began in a dot, you know? the dog is
neither gold or a diamond, it is something
you cannot conceive of, it is just a dot, not
a dot in time, it doesn’t come at the end
of a document, it is your smart and your
stupid, and not even that, it is not cold or
hot, not right or wrong, it is waiting for us
at the end, meanwhile
dinner is ready, the car is parked and
the bees are in paradise, all is
working as it should be, except, of
course, for the sucking motion of
a black hole and the ever-collapsing
universe, it is, to say
the least, a bewildering montage
the fact is that journalism is dead,
poetry is an academic game, love
is a contract, war is a necessity
the leaves rustle, the leaves roar,
shadows of the high branch snag
a magnificent plumed bird, no
one takes notice, I am left
to witness the scene
sweet panther, you unbuckled
your belt and slid out of your
Levies, you tasted the golden dot
I offered, it melted on your
tongue, you were sleek and handsome
until one day I found you in a local
coffee house with a vacancy in your eyes
you know me, and you had been so
hopeful, you were trying to give up
hustling on the streets, I used to
suck your fingers and caress your
thighs and make you moan, you
said man you know you know
but what was it?
a dot
or a smudge, a pit or a deep
that takes all matter
in hand
and flushes it
a black hole
is a toilet
and we are
vain beyond belief
we are vain
and we
are animals
up on Cold Mountain they compose
with a rhythmic wisdom that widens
our grief, the snow is deep and
we travel within, the snow is deeper
within, it is colder than
on Cold Mountain, it gets so that we
find it difficult to move, and then
we burn like a fragile twig
in a roaring fire
Friday, August 14, 2009
New Book by Jeremy Gaulke available from The Temple Inc.
What the Master Does Not Speak Of –
Poems and Drawings by Jeremy Gaulke
Available at www.thetemplebookstore.com - the Temple Inc. - $10.00
Few poets of any age focus on their subject matter as intently as Jeremy Gaulke. Subject matter as fuel that is consumed in the propulsion phase of the art leaves little residue. So it is with the poems in What the Master Does Not Speak Of, the long awaited author’s second book, and only by the widest stretch, a sequel to his earlier acclaimed The Ghost of Harrison Sheets. What is consistent in the development of his art is Gaulke’s eschewing any need to rehash material already developed, rendered, and passed beyond. In one way it resembles jazz beyond the noodle, when the musician/poet hits the incipient stride inherent in the improv and creates a passage or passages unrepeatable. Little need to copyright this; no one could repeat it anyway.
And that is the beauty of the creative act, the originality in both rooting out the uncomfortable subjects and handling them as if they could be radioactive, and leaving something durable in their place. Between these books, Jeremy Gaulke also published a remarkable broadside, “In the Garden” which shows a more domestic side, a would-be family man, on his hands and knees in the good earth. What the Master Does Not Speak Of can hardly be described as “domestic” poetry, other than the fact that it takes place on the planet earth, in that strange hardly-anyman’s-land between adolescence and adulthood. Gaulke navigates it as if he were going somewhere. When you take this recommended trip with him, be open to the change(s) that can come over you.
Charles Potts
Walla Walla, Washington
August 1, 2009
Charles Potts
The Temple Bookstore.com
PO Box 1773
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Charles Potts,
Jeremy Gaulke,
The Temple Bokstore,
Walla Walla (WA)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Poets and lovers of poetry:
I want to begin by thanking Roy Seitz for planning and executing one the finest readings I’ve ever done way up there in Index. It was like reading my poetry in paradise (Index is surrounded by mountains, rocks, and trees, and the Skykomish River runs right through town) and I was fortunate to share the bill with some of my favorite NW poets. Please consider attending the index Arts Festival next year. You won’t regret it. I would also like to thank poets Jeff Lair and Robinson Bolkum for their help with transportation and lodging for the event.
It has been an honor to be one of the regular columnists for Sage Cohen’s “Writing the Life Poetic E-Zine.” My first two columns were entitled “The Poetics of Community: The Importance of Gathering with Likeminded People” and “Poetic Lineage and the Saturation Job.” If you’d like to read the two issues that have been released so far, go to:
Writing the Life Poetic E-Zine May 2009:
Writing the Life Poetic E-Zine Summer 2009:
At the end of the month, Toni and I will be traveling to California for our annual rendezvous with my Kerouac School partner-in-crime David Madgalene, who has once again put together a couple of fantastic gigs for us. Please forward the following two events to your friends in California:
Saturday August 29, 2009: The 1st Annual Shelldance Poetry, Music & Art Festival. Featuring Rockpile: David Meltzer, Michael Rothenberg, Terri Carrion and the Rabbles. Also Featured: Leah Lubin, Terry Adams, Natascha Bruckner, Camincha, Andrew Mayer, Nancy Cavers-Doughtery, Mark Eckert, Mary Hower, Jym Marks, Erica Goss, Jennifer Barone, Eileen Elliot, Christopher Luna, Toni Partington, David Madgalene and Judy Irwin. Music by Bassist Steve Shain. MC's: David Madgalene and Christopher Luna. Visual art by Leah Lubin, Anna Teeples, and Uma Rani Iyli. Free & open to the public. 3 pm until 9 pm. Shelldance Orchid Gardens, 2000 Highway 1, Pacifica, CA 94044. (650) 355-4845. www.shelldance.com
Sunday, August 30, 2009. Arts Sonoma ’09 presents Audio-Graffiti: Poetry on, under and around the Bridge. Featuring Sonoma County Poet Laureate Mike Tuggle, Michael Rothenberg, Terri Carrion, Christopher Luna, Toni Partington, Eileen Elliot, judi goldberg, Dixie Lewis, David Beckman, Nancy Cavers-Doughtery, Andrew Mayer, Mark Eckert, and MC David Madgalene. 4 pm. Guerneville Plaza. Free and open to the public. 836-9586. madgalen@sonic.net.
via David Madgalene
on behalf of Arts Sonoma ‘09
Finally, don’t forget to join us for
Open Mic Poetry
hosted by Christopher Luna
7:00pm Thursday, August 13, 2009
& every second Thursday
Cover to Cover Books
1817 Main Street, Vancouver, WA
McLoughlin Blvd. & Main Street
“always all ages and uncensored”
For more info call 514-0358 or 910-1066
With our featured reader, Jim Martin: A regular attendee of the open mic reading series since its inception in 2004, Jim Martin is a retired biologist and teacher who fills his time with writing, photography, and family. Jim will be reading from his chapbook entitled Riparian Journey.
Fall. The creek turns
chilly, Tippy's fur grows to
a thick mat; the Moon
And my thoughts turn
to you; just here,
on the bank,
so long ago
The same chill air
that disclosed your breathing,
and drew our bodies close,
carries your scent back to me now,
and you're here. We
touch, talk quietly, then,
like the wisps of my breath,
dissolve and leave me here,
alone, remembering
Jim Martin
Geezer Gallery benefit poetry reading at 100th Monkey Studio (Portland) August 7
First Fruits Poetry Reading (Tacoma, WA) August 8
St. Johns Market Day Poetry Series (Curated by Dan Raphael) Schedule for August
Brittany Baldwin and Casey Bush at B&N Vancouver August 12
Oregon Writers Colony Calendar Featuring NW Authors Now Available
Spare Room Collective readings for August
Pamela Crow, Sophia Tree and Steve Williams at B&N Lloyd Center August 19
ROCKPILE TOUR/Big Bridge announcements from Michael Rothenberg
Register early for Paulann Petersen’s workshop October 24-25
SUBMISSION CALLS (most with September deadlines, so act fast)
Make ‘em sweat,
On Friday, August 7 from 6-9 PM, local poets Robert Davies, Joan Maiers, Dennis McBride, David Oates, Leah Stenson and guitarist Casey Killingsworth will perform at the 100th Monkey Studio, 110 SE 16th&Ankeny in Portland, OR. This event is a benefit for the Geezer Gallery.
Contact: http://www.the100thmonkeystudio.com
First Fruits, An Agape poetry Event takes place August 8, 2009 5:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. at Urban Grace, 9th and Market, Tacoma. Tickets $5.00 in advance, $7.00 at the door. To benefit the Agape Foundation. More informaiton: 253.272.2184
Dan Raphael has done it again. The maestro has put together a great series that runs during the St. Johns neighborhood Saturday Market. Heads up: I will be featured on September 12, along with Eileen Elliott, whose amazing new book, “Prodigal cowgirl” has just been released. Come out and support these great events:
From Dan Raphael
August got off to a rollicking start with Melissa Sillitoe, Rick J and Sara Kohler. The variety, verve and eloquence will continue thorughout the month
every SATURDAY at NOON St. Johns Booksellers 8622 N Lombard POETS
8/8 Laura Feldman (librarian, peace corps vet, bike and beer advocate) and Gale Czerski (public eye, "occupies a pivotal position in the lost-and-found department of the Big Bang")
8/15 Tommy Gaffney (reading host, malt advocate, basket-ball hustler and manager),
Astrid (aka Jenna Alexia-- struggling artist, bon vivant and occasional shadow), and
Ric Vrana
8/22 Casey Bush (senior editor, compliance officer, tennis bum and fungus hunter),
Nancy Flynn (award winning writer, blogger and former administrator), and
Patrick Bocarde (engineer, cultural critic and music industry slave)
8/29 (featuring people NOT FROM PORTLAND)
margareta waterman (editor, fiction writer, harpist, dancer)
Ezra Mark (comics editor, event coordinator, language dissector)
Joseph Federico (commujnity activist , forager wildlife magician)
& Brian Cuteani (troubador and traveller)
The reading's free, Nena runs a fine bookstore, the St Johns Farmers Market (9-1) is 1/2 a block away and the sidewalks full with energized people.
From Shawn Sorensen:
POETRY GROUP FEATURES DOUBLE HEADER: All are invited to our 2nd Wednesdays Poetry Group, which on Aug. 12th at 7 pm will host local favorites Casey Bush and Brittany Baldwin. This event at Barnes & Noble Vancouver always features free treats, almost 1,000 poetry titles to choose from and a popular open mic. Join us! Barnes & Noble Vancouver: 7700 NE Fourth Plain Blvd., 98662. Hosted by Shawn Sorensen, who can be emailed at: crm2679@bn.com
NORTHWEST AUTHORS BARE ALL FOR THE SAKE OF A GOOD CAUSE: Get to know 12 popular authors a whole lot better and support the renovation of one of the jewels of the northwest writing community: the Oregon Writers Colony "Colonyhouse" at Rockaway Beach. The Oregon Writers Colony 2010 Calendar features the following scantily-clad authors in lovely, tasteful and creative poses: Mark Acito, Larry Brooks, Peter Carlin, Sage Cohen, Elizabeth Lyon, Robert Dugoni, Cai Emmons, Julie Fast, Shanna Germain, Steve Perry, Jennie Shortridge and Daniel Wilson. The calendar makes a phenomenal gift and serves as a fundraiser that will help make the Colonyhouse accessible for the disabled and larger for everyone as it provides a hot spot for writing retreats, workshops, or simply a gorgeous, peaceful place to get a lot of writing done. Calendars can be purchased at the upcoming Willamette Writers annual conference or through our informational website: http://www.colonyhouseaccesscampaign.org/
Thank you thank you!
Enthusiastically, Shawn
From Spare Room Collective via David Abel:
Spare Room presents
Crag Hill
Douglas Rothschild
Saturday, August 15
Please join us for a house reading and potluck in SE Portland,
hosted by Jennifer Coleman and Allison Cobb:
213 SE 26th
2:00 pm gathering and potluck
3:00 pm reading
Upcoming Readings
August 16: Graham Foust & Eric Baus
September 20: Joe Massey & Joel Felix
October 25: Peter O'Leary & Michael Autrey
During the anemic Carter administration, Crag Hill kicked the "i" out of his first name. Continuing to be underwhelmed by his elected leaders, he threatens to kick out the last vowel, too soft, too soft, he says. Until recently he edited SCORE, one of the few journals dedicated exclusively to concrete/visual poetry. His creative and critical works in progress can be found at http://scorecard.typepad.com. He teaches future teachers of English at Washington State University.
New York poet Douglas Rothschild's book Theogeny is out this year from Subpress Books. Says poet Anselm Berrigan: “This is a book of tremendous clarity, and I'm grateful for its existence.” Pierre Joris has called it “My favorite book of poems for 2009 so far […] and a long time a-coming.” Douglas Rothschild's life has been one long miasma of failure, disappointment, coffee, & overarching desire. Though he has not yet accomplished anything of note, Mr. Rothschild intends to continue on for some time yet.
from Four'sCore
Hear distant shouts, the indefensible cries of a shipwreck. The arguments twisted her arm. She fought him off. I think that one shouted in silence again, lifted her off the air for an instant with her pathology or developmental space. The bad news brought mountains. One part of him grew directly contrary to observations. He imagined himself (it was all he could afford).
Crag Hill
Beantown News
Take your attitude
& put it in your
big car & get it
off my street.
This here yellow
curb, ain't a parking
spot, & it ain't your
economic entitlement
Douglas Rothschild
Spare Room presents
Eric Baus
Graham Foust
Sunday, August 16
7:30 pm
Concordia Coffee House
2909 NE Alberta
$5.00 suggested donation
Eric Baus is the author of The To Sound (Wave Books) and Tuned Droves (Octopus Books). He edits Minus House chapbooks and writes about poetry audio recordings on the site To The Sound. He lives in Denver.
Graham Foust lives in Oakland and works at Saint Mary's College of California. His fourth book, A Mouth in California, will be published by Flood Editions in September.
Votive Scores
If eels lie vertically inside the statue or old bees coat its surface,
a needle will point to the center of my hide. Owls murmured up a piece
of green cloth. Hard ash topped me. The birds it entailed peopled the
treetops, stripped me of my coos. Un-tuned doves flew elsewhere,
worried their drones would shrink inside my ears. A second split
occurred when its eyes bloomed red. Votive scores pushed open the
view. Here, the street was both omen and throat. The swarming sky
sparrowed until day withered, until the statue punched out of its
skin. He was wearing his own arms. His house showed. Ants formed and
he scorched their trails. Sing rendered, he trilled, Sing posed.
Eric Baus
To the Writer
Another cloud spun to nothing, one
of nature’s more manageable kills.
Another borderline-meaningless morning save
for everything. You claim you kissed
a certain picture with such patience
you became it. So who hasn’t?
You’re of one long weary trouble;
you wear your hard mind on your hand.
Thus, your dumb touch, your clunky
fuss, your little millions. Your stomach
newly stuffed with amputations. Quiet
and furious dots of distant rooms -- rooms,
I would add, through which you’ll never move
or sleep -- begin to mean. In one of them,
humor, collapsed in a painful curl, an odd
head at the back of its throat. It’s what’s to bleed about.
Graham Foust
From Sage Cohen:
Wednesday, August 19, 7:00 p.m.
Presenting Pamela Crow, Sophia Tree and Steve Williams
Barnes & Noble
1317 Lloyd Center // Gift section
Portland, OR 97232
Pam Crow lives in Portland, Oregon, where she works as a clinical social worker and helps to raise two children. She is member of the Black Boughs Poetry Group and the recipient of the 1996 National Astraea Award for Emerging Lesbian Writers. Pam Crow's poems have been anthologized in The Bedford Introduction to Literature, Of Frogs and Toads, and A Walk Through My Garden, and have appeared in numerous national journals. Her first book, Inside This House, was published in September 2007.
Sophie Tree is a Portland-based mother of three who has been writing "under cover" for nearly 20 years on the East Coast while noonlighting as an academic, attorney, entrepreneur, nonprofit director and consultant. She has recently founded Village Media, a multimedia network for parents providing information and authentic connection based on the adage "It takes a village to raise the children." Sophie published her first chapbook, Nineteen Pulses, this past June.
Steve Williams lives and works in Portland with a lovely woman who writes and edits much better than he but refuses to admit it.
Dear Big Bridge Readers,
Please check out the new ROCKPILE Website & Blog at Big Bridge, www.bigbridge.org/rockpile/
ROCKPILE is a collaboration between David Meltzer — poet, musician, essayist, and more — and Michael Rothenberg of Big Bridge Press. David and Michael will journey through eight cities in the U.S. to perform poetry and prose, composed while on the road, with local musicians and artists in each city. ROCKPILE will serve to educate and preserve as well as to create a history of collaboration. It will help to reinforce the tradition of the troubadour of all generations, central to the cultural upheaval and identity politics that reawakened poets, artists, musicians, and songwriters in the mid-1960s through the 1970s. The project will end with a final multimedia performance celebration in San Francisco.
The ROCKPILE Website & Blog will tell you all you need to know about the ROCKPILE project including performance dates, venues, artist bios and performance clips of some of the musicians we will be meeting and performing with in each of the cities.
Once we hit the road, we will be posting travel photos, journal entries, performance videos, interviews and more, daily, on the ROCKPILE Blog, so log on and join us as we travel around the country. Write us, comment on the blog, and let us know you are with us, let us know you care!
And of course, we hope to see you on the road!
Michael Rothenberg, David Meltzer, Terri Carrion & Ziggy.
Made possible by a grant from the Creative Work Fund, a program of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund, also supported by generous grants from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and The James Irvine Foundation, and support from the Committee on Poetry.
Part 1 of this year’s Big Bridge is now online!
As usual, it includes balanced presentations of arts and genres, aesthetic approaches and socio-political statements, compact anthologies and stand-alone works.
The issue opens with a collection of essays and examples of Slow Poetry, one of the leading contenders for the first major shift in 21st century art. Not a movement, but rather a means of approaching, rethinking, and appreciating virtually all modes and genres. A measure of the importance of this feature is that its URL got passed around before the issue officially went online. It thus officially appears after being mentioned in blogs, and even satirized by another group. In one way or another, we hope our features tend to be similarly ahead of the curve - at times going so far as to generate response before official publication.
We do, however, try to present work that keeps response from distorting our environment, as we try to reclaim poetry from preconception. This issue’s anthology of poetry and fiction from South Africa, for instance, makes no attempt to fill in news stories or confirm simplifications of huge problems and unusual successes, but present a glimpse of the diversity of a complex nation’s poetry and the individuality of its writers.
Standard features such as the continuing group statements in War Papers and another in the series of paintings by Jim Spitzer, judicious essays and terse reviews, short fiction and a suggestive sample of current little magazines published on paper in the digital age continue the scope of the magazine. A simplified table of contents appears below.
This issue differs from its predecessors in several ways. It intersects with the ROCKPILE program of transcontinental readings lead by David Meltzer and Michael Rothenberg and including local participants.
It also appears several months before the omnibus New Orleans anthology, which, in itself, is larger than everything else in the issue. Later this year, we will also add a compact, bi-lingual Anthology of Venezuelan Women poets, another tri-lingual Anthology of Galician writers and a few small contributions. We feel that dividing the issue up this way keeps the New Orleans feature from throwing the issue off balance and giving our readers some breathing room. Opening ROCKPILE at this time also gives us a chance to test the interaction of an annual magazine with an on-going project.
Although we are adamant partisans in some areas, such as opposition to senseless wars in places the U.S. does not understand and where it does not belong, and in celebration of the history and resurrection of one of America’s greatest cities, we hope to maintain enough diversity to present some work that will appeal to nearly anyone who looks for progressive poetry on the web, and perhaps promote interchange between people with different ideas and orientations.
At a time when economic crisis brings out the perennial name for boondoggles, we’d like to move as far away from being a bridge to nowhere as we can but rather see how close we can come to being a big bridge that can act as a focal point for the cyberbridges that lead everywhere.
A Time in Fragments
Poem by Clark Coolidge; Drawings by Nancy Victoria Davis
Slow Poetry
Edited by Dale Smith
Beauty Came Groveling Forward:
Selected South African Poems and Stories
edited by Gary Cummiskey
All This Strangeness: A Garland for George Oppen
Edited by Eric Hoffman
Sephardic Proverbs
Collected and translated by Michael Castro
Post-Beat Anthology
Reprint from the Chinese anthology, with brief intro
Edited by Vernon Frazer
as per Le Roman de la Rose, for example:
An Anthology of Middle East Genocide
Edited by Arpine Konyalian Grenier
Charles Olson and the Nature of Destructive Humanism
by Craig Stormont
One Man Blues:
Remembering Thomas Chapin
Reminiscense by Vernon Frazer
Excerpt from Autobiography
by David Bromige
The India Journals
by John Brandi
Genius and Heroin:
by Michael Largo
Poems and essays against war.
ROCKPILE is a collaboration between David Meltzer - poet, musician, essayist,
and more - and Michael Rothenberg, poet, songwriter and editor of Big Bridge Press. In the tradition of the troubadour and with the spirit of collaboration, David and Michael will journey through eight U.S. cities and perform poetry, composed on the road, with local musicians and artists in each city.
ROCKPILE will serve to educate, and preserve and create a history of collaboration and help to introduce as well as reinforce the tradition of the troubadour for all generations.
The project will end with a final multimedia performance in San Francisco.
Check out the ROCKPILE Website and Blog at http://bigbridge.org/rockpile/ for complete gig dates, musician bios, on the road calendar, and ongoing interactive exchange!
paintings by Jim Spitzer
The Kingdom of Madison:
Photographs from Madison County, North Carolina by Rob Amberg
These Are My Angels
Paintings by Tasha Robbins
Lectura en Transito
Project Created and Directed by Carmen Gloria Berrios
Set based on combination of public art and poetry from Santiago de Chile
Animal Night Photography
by Felicia Murray; notes by Louise Landes Levi
12 Collages
by John Brandi
Plastic Ocean, Green Dragon and Untamed Ink
From: Paulann Petersen
I’m teaching a generative workshop the weekend of October 24-25 at the Attic in southeast Portland. Please take a look if you’re interested:
Craft Workshop: Free Fall: A Generative Workshop in Poetry (October 24-25)
Free Fall
Join me in a weekend devoted to generating new poems. In our two days together, we’ll let our pens romp, run, flurry & sally. Using innovative springboards that include noted poems, we’ll make a sustained plummet, a delicious plunge into language.
My intent is to have each participant leave the workshop carrying both a notebook brimming with new work & ideas for ways to continue the momentum. All levels of experience welcome. The only requirement is a willingness to spend two days writing as part of a small, supportive community of other writers. Maximum Enrollment: 12
(We’ll take an hour’s lunch break Sunday. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants in the Hawthorne district nearby.)
Teacher: Paulann Petersen
Time: Saturday & Sunday, October 24 (12:30-5pm) & October 25 (10am-4:30pm)
Total Fee: $125
Deposit: $45 (non-refundable)
Please note that this is a workshop designed to generate new work. If you’re interested in a craft/revision workshop, I’ll be teaching a 7 or 10 week one at the Attic late winter/early spring (February & March) of this coming year. I’ll try to send out notices about that late this fall.
Paulann Petersen
Please note e-mail change to paulann@paulann.net
Visit my web site at www.paulann.net
From Calyx Press:
Calyx Press is holding Sarah Lantz Memorial Poetry Book Prize contest for Oregon women writers. Submission period is September 1-31, 2009. Send a complete unpublished book manuscript (75-125 pages) with biographical data and a $25 entry fee (payable in check or MO) to Calyx Poetry Book Prize, PO Box B, Corvallis, OR 97339. Do not put your name and address on any pages, only on a separate cover letter. Winning manuscript will be announced in February 2010. Winner receives a Calyx Books contract for publication of the manuscript in Fall 2010 and a $500 award. More information at http://calyxpress.org. Contact calyx@proaxis.com.
See release of our new supplemental newsletter. RATTLE e.6 is a 33-page PDF, downloadable on our website, which contains content that expands upon this summer’s print issue.
Included are a first book interview series, with a look at Michelle Bitting and her book Good Friday Kiss; a column by Art Beck, “The Impertinent Duet,” on the art of translating poetry; Bruce Cohen on the submission process; winners of the 2009 Neil Postman Award for Metaphor, and a peek at my first book American Fractal. We share a preview of the summer print issue, with a tribute to African American poets, which should arrive on your doorstep around June 1st.
Download the e-Issue by clicking this link: http://rattle.com/eissues/eIssue6.pdf (1.0 MB pdf). Less than half of the poetry in each issue is focused on the theme—the rest is open to any style, subject matter, or poet. We enjoy reading submissions, and accept them by email and hardcopy, year-round. Visit www.rattle.com/submissions.htm for guidelines.
CALLS FOR SUBMISSION (info at http://www.rattle.com/callsforsubs.htm)
Issue Theme Reading Period
#32 Sonnets 2/1/09 – 8/1/09
#33 Humor 8/1/09 – 2/1/10
#34 Mental Health Workers 2/1/10 – 8/1/10
Contact tim@rattle.com or www.rattle.com or www.timothy-green.org/books.htm.
Protestpoems.org is a twice-monthly poetry journal committed to poetry that tackles human rights issues worldwide. The website provides information about persecuted writers, with letters of protest ready for our subscribers to cut and paste. To receive emails with protest information focused on a specific writer, email us at write@protestpoems.org with SUBSCRIBE in subject line.
Submission guidelines: We’re not looking for partisan propaganda, party-political mouthings, sentimental depictions of what you see on the TV, or rhyming greetings card verses. We want you to champion human rights; the rights of those who don’t have the freedom to write and speak. Formal complaints are especially exciting. Paste your poems (a maximum of 3 one-page poems) and brief bio into the body of an email and send to mailto:write@protestpoems.org. Ok to email a single .doc or .rtf file with all the poems.
We accept poems previously published on paper, if you hold the copyright. We don’t accept poems currently or previously published online (including blogs). We publish a poet only once a year. If your poem deals with a specific call for action or specific person, let us know.
Deadline: Sept. 1, 2009
Editors of CHIRON REVIEW are reading submissions for an "All Punk Poetry" issue to be published Dec. 2009. Poetry, fiction, b/w line art, comics/cartoons, photos, nonfiction, whatever should be sent via snail mail with SASE to: Chiron Review, Attn: PUNK, 522 E. South Ave., St. John, KS 67576. Name and mailing address should appear on every poem, story, etc. Material is copyrighted in author's/artist's name. Details at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/1748/chiron1.htm.
Poetry, prose, essays. Stylistic concerns are unimportant. Preference given to works that are strangely lovely, inexplicably beautiful, musical much more so than moral, logical or 'straight.' Confessional, Sentimental, Angry work not accepted. No deadlines, no entry fees. We pay a couple of contributor’s copies. I’ve never liked the idea of poets having to pay other people to read their work. Send 3-5 poems, prose 10 pages or less, essays on any subject to pageboymagazine@hotmail.com.
Multiple submissions ok if poets have multiple ideas on the subject.
Email attachments ok they are Word (.doc) documents or PDF.
The Print Register Ltd is a small print and design business in the North of Scotland producing books and booklets for self published poets and other small publishers and community groups. This year we are publishing a little poetry ourselves and one project is the “What Went Bang?” poetry competition, as outlined below, which invites answers to the questions posed.
Any style of poem will be considered provided it is your own work, written in English and not more than twenty four lines long, although if you really do have the answers, of at least something important, poignant or really hilarious to say on the subject of creation, we may stretch it a little.
The winning entries will be published by The Print Register in an anthology, a copy of which will conveniently double up as a prize for the writers of all the published entries. The competition is free to enter. Copyright remains with the author but The Print Register reserves the right to publish any entries in the anthology at any time. Please email nick@printregister.com with your poems and queries. www.printregister.com
From Naugatuck River Review:
Submission deadline July 1 through September 1 for Winter issue. Naugatuck River Review publishes narrative poetry. More info at www.naugatuckriverreview.com.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Spoken Word Breast Cancer Fundraiser in Tacoma August 9

“A Rose Is Still A Rose”
A spoken word & poetry fundraiser
supporting the Breast Cancer Resource Center in Tacoma, WA.
At JAZZBONES on Sunday, August 9th 2009—7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Directions: http://jazzbonestacoma.com/directions.htm Join poet and emcee, Robert Lashlee, as he partners with Jazzbones and many local poets and spoken word artists to present this fabulous fundraising event! Donations are $5 at the door to attend the event in support of BCRC. Larger donations can be made inside at the event, with receipts being provided for tax deduction purposes. You won’t want to miss the evening’s line-up of talent as it features local poets, musicians, and spoken word artists all sharing their craft to support the important work of BCRC!
Featured Performers
Kat Bula – Singer & Spoken Word artist
Sarah Goodin – Guitarist & Singer
Jessica Lohafer - Poet
CJ Lince - Poet
Tammy Robacker - Poet
Antonio Edwards Jr. – Poet Laureate of Tacoma & Spoken Word Artist
Gwendolyn Faye – Spoken Word Artist
Rajnii Eddins – Spoken Word Artist...and many more!
All proceeds from this event will go to Breast Cancer Resource Center of Tacoma, a 501 c (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life of people touched by breast cancer. BCRC is committed to increasing awareness and knowledge of breast cancer and breast health in the community by offering services, patient support kits, classes, counseling, support groups, wigs and so much more to those whose lives have been touched by the disease. For more information on BCRC, call (253) 752-4222 (253) or email: info@bcrcwa.org
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